मार्च 9, 2025


Your Window to the World

Blocked 18 OTT Platforms

Blocked 18 OTT Platforms

Blocked 18 OTT Platforms for Obscene, Vulgar Content: Govt

New Delhi: In a significant regulatory action, the government blocked 18 Over-the-Top (OTT) platforms that hosted and published obscene and vulgar content. The move came as a response to complaints against content violations with an intention to ensure compliance with already existing content guidelines and legal frameworks.

The crackdown indicates that the authorities are now more worried about the rampant proliferation of inappropriate content through digital platforms. “These digital platforms were violating the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021,” the officials said.
“This is part of our effort to ensure a safe and ethical cyberspace,” a senior government official said.

Lesser-known services-the majority of which were lacking in self-regulation-were also put under a block. These mainstream OTT services continue uninterrupted, though. The move still reflects an increasingly tight-rope act that the industry operates on.
The government insists that creativity and freedom of expression will not be inhibited, but will always respect the principles of ethical code. Details regarding the identities of the blocked services as well as the specific infraction they are committing, are not out yet.