फ़रवरी 21, 2025


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Maharashtra Registers a Voter Turnout of 65%, Which is Greater Than That of 2019

Maharashtra Registers a Voter Turnout of 65%, Which is Greater Than That of 2019

Maharashtra Registers a Voter Turnout of 65%, Which is Greater Than That of 2019

There was a voter turnout of 65% in the recently held elections in Maharashtra, bettering the trends in 2019. The rural belts were enthusiastic, but voting enthusiasts in the powerhouses of the urban world – Mumbai and Thane – were lukewarm while drawing out the old urban-rural voting divide.


  1. Trends Urban-Rural:
  • Urban Areas: Mumbai and Thane had extremely low turnouts, again indicating a persistent failure to take out urban voters. As discussed earlier, the rural constituencies fared better; this high-performing district in the Naxalism-infested regions of Gadchiroli boasted an impressive 73.68% turnout where citizens have fought back and displayed spirited civic engagement.
  1. Election Day Events:
    Reports of minor skirmishes were seen in Beed district, and otherwise, the entire state saw a peaceful voting process.
  2. Vote Counting:
    Now the wait goes on to November 23, when votes are counted to reach results.

A higher turn-up this year means greater interest and concern about voting, but primarily by rural areas. Low turn-up in urban areas requires more efforts to inculcate a feeling of civic responsibility among people in metropolitan regions.